The MOVE2CCAM Satellite network is composed of a multidisciplinary and multi-systems network of representative actors across the whole CCAM ecosystem, consisting of organisations/industry, authorities/regulatory bodies, and citizens.

Let´s change the future of urban mobility together!
MOVE2CCAM has different activities with organisations and citizens
These activities will be directed to the Satellites network!
Activities with organisations
MOVE2CCAM works with organisations from the Satellites at two levels, the Pan-European level and the prototypical cities level, aiming to achieve the derivation of CCAM needs and expected impacts from different geographies and cultures.
activities with citizens
MOVE2CCAM works with citizens from the Satellites at two levels, the Pan-European and the prototypical cities, in order to explore and analyse their needs, their concerns and requirements about tangible and latent aspects that are related to CCAM solutions and debate on the expected impact that they may have on their travel behaviour and well being in general.
activities with organisations and citizens
After deriving the requirements and expected CCAM impacts from the organisations and citizens separately, we will organise scenario social simulation experiments where organisations and citizens from the Satellites will be brought together to creatively experiment CCAM new ideas and then face the outcomes of their decisions and debate on them.
We aim to co-design use cases, scenarios and KPIs, and to identify and debate on the expected impact of the use cases and scenarios in different horizons
Want to be part of MOVE2CCAM?
Join our Satellite network and help us transform mobility!