MOVE2CCAM aims to develop an assessment tool though Systems Dynamic Modelling (SDM). The tool will enable stakeholders to assess the implications of deploying CCAM solutions for future timeframes (2025, 2030, 2050). The model of the IAMT tool will comprise variables and cause-effect relations, reflecting the attitudes of the Move2CCAM Satellites towards different impact domains across several CCAM use cases. The domains evaluated are mobility, safety, public health, economy, environment, ethics, efficiency of road network and cybersecurity. The impact evaluation within these domains will be done through a set of indicators developed through the project’s activities.   

KPIs and Evaluation Process  

The project aims to build a Systematic Dynamic Model (SDM) to assess the impact of CCAM (Cooperative, Connected, Automated, and Autonomous Mobility) solutions. To achieve this, an evaluation framework is created, consisting of dimensions, fields, indicators, and boundaries (like city level or CCAM solution type).  

The evaluation framework follows four stages:  

1. Identification of Aspects: the goal is to recognize which areas are influenced by CCAM solutions and how to evaluate them using indicators. Over 250 indicators were found through an extensive literature review, considering various dimensions such as mobility behaviour and the environment. This stage’s output is a draft version of potential indicators.  

2. Definition of Indicators: descriptions of the indicators were organized and aspects such as the indicator’s name, type, calculation method, and associated dimension were detailed. Project partners CARTIF and MOBY then analysed these indicators, selecting those clear and easy to measure, while removing redundant or unclear ones.   

3. Data Availability Identification: the project identifies where the data for each indicator can be sourced. An excel file, designed in the prior stage, will help pinpoint data availability for each area and, if feasible, link directly to the raw data source.  

4. Validation of Indicators in Co-Creation Activities: participants from different activities will highlight potential impacts and effects of autonomous vehicles. They’re expected to produce a flowchart showing interconnected impacts from chosen CCAM solutions. A separate group will validate these indicators, ensuring they’re suited for the project’s objectives.  

During the implementation of the first activities some challenges occurred for the implementation of this framework. The initial plan was to discuss these indicators during co-creation activities 1 and 2. Due to time constraints, this didn’t happen, so the consortium devised the above-mentioned stages as a workaround. This research revealed that indicators sometimes have different names, and calculation methods, or aren’t always clearly defined. Despite these challenges, the project seeks to provide a comprehensive system for assessing the effects of CCAM solutions.  

The table 1 shows the project’s identified 90 KPIs, which can measure both current and future scenarios in cities and regions. These indicators also assess the performance of mobility services compared to conventional vehicles. They can be calculated using various metrics, such as per inhabitant, passenger, distance, trip, or vehicle. The finalized list of these indicators, along with their definitions, will determine the approach for the project’s impact assessment, the data required for each indicator, and the data’s availability in the prototype areas.  


Dimension  Field  Indicator  
Environment  Air quality  Nitrogen oxide emissions  
Fine particle matter emissions  
Ozone concentration  
Climate Change  Greenhouse gases emissions  
Energy Consumption  Energy consumption  
Fuel mix  
Renewable energy penetration  
Noise  Noise level  
Mobility behaviour  Travel & Transport demand  Distance travelled  
Daily trips  
Trip length  
Commuting distances to go to work  
Number of planned trips per hour  
Share of trips made during peak hours  
Travel & Transport purpose  
Travel time   Timing of travel  
Average trip duration  
Peak period for travelling  
Transport mode  Modal split / Transport mode share  
Number of multimodal trips  
Share of children walking or cycling to school  
Public transport use  
Number of users of public transport services  
Number of passengers with concession/subscription tickets in public transport  
Vehicle features  Average age of vehicles  
Average vehicle occupancy  
Average vehicle speed  
Four-wheel motorized vehicles  
Two-wheel motorized vehicles  
Number of freight vehicles  
Network efficiency  Network capacity and traffic flow  Travel/transport demand  
Punctuality of transport services  
Delays in transport system  
Average speed on the road  
Travel time  Timing of travel  
Peak hours  
Total journey time  
Wait time  
Connecting time  
Parking search duration  
Accessibility  Public transport stops  
Distance between transport modes  
Access to transport services at any time  
ICT extent  Road equipped with a real-time ICT-based system  
Traffic alerts at real time  
Land Use  Urban Land  Surface  
Population density  
Urban compactness  
Pedestrian areas  
Transport space  Space dedicated for motorized vehicles   
Space for the circulation of bicycles  
Space for parking  
Length of lines for public transport  
Safety  Collision  Traffic accidents in the road  
Traffic accidents in the city  
Security  Ciber attacks  
Health  Persons affected in traffic accidents  Number of fatalities due to traffic accidents  
Number of injuries due to traffic accidents  
Access to healthcare  Time required to reach the nearest health centre  
Travelling cost to reach the nearest health centre  
Access to services and leisure  Time required to reach the nearest shopping centre/supermarket  
Travelling costs to the nearest shopping centre/supermarket  
Time required to reach the nearest library  
Air pollution exposure  Days exceeding critical levels of emissions  
Population exposed to air pollution due to transport  
Quality of life  Number of elderly people feeling alone  
Time gained (avoided congestion, waiting time avoided, time liberated for use to work, entertainment, etc)  
Equity  Transport accessibility to vulnerable groups  Share of public transport adapted to mobility -impaired groups  

Table 1 List of KPIs identified in MOVE2CCAM activities 

